Why minpower? ============== **minpower** is designed to make solving :doc:`ED `, :doc:`OPF `, and :doc:`UC ` problems easy and beautiful. Traditional approaches to solving these problems are limited by: * :abbr:`low level (like C++ or GMPL)` languages * :abbr:`expensive (CPLEX, GAMMS, AMPL, AIMMS, ...)` software * being :abbr:`solver dependent (*only* CPLEX or *only* GLPK)` Behold minpower! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * written in `Python `_ * :ref:`free ` and :ref:`open source ` * can use many :doc:`solvers ` * :abbr:`comparable solution times (For large problems optimization takes most of the solution time. minpower farms out its optimization to CPLEX with little overhead. Test results coming soon.)` Sounds great: :doc:`get it now ` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^