
Basic full installation:

  1. ActivePython 2.7
  2. pypm install minpower
  3. GLPK (Win, Mac)

1. Get Python

For new-to-Python folks, install ActivePython 2.7. It makes the installation of a bunch of scientific packages very easy - the way it should be.

For experienced Python users, pip install minpower should work just fine. If that command doesn’t work, it is probably a failure to build scipy/numpy from source - try downloading the pre-built binary for your system from `SciPy <>_.

2. Get Minpower

Simply run:

pypm install minpower

3. Get a Solver

Minpower has been tested with GLPK, Gurboi, and CPLEX.

But you can almost certainly use your favorite - here’s the full list.

Not sure which to try? Here’s a quick rundown on solvers.

Test it out

Go ahead and try to solve one of the test cases first, like:

minpower uc

If you get an error about the problem not being solved - Python doesn’t know where your solver is. To fix this here’s a guide to solver-to-Python connection.

Project Versions

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Why Minpower

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