
This is an API for Minpower. Note the [source] link next to each code block - this provides a quick way to flip between source code and documentation. Use the tree and search box on the sidebar liberally.

For basic use of the Minpower script, see Basic Use. For a guide to creating problems using spreadsheets see Creating a Problem.

Solving Problems

The solve module contains the top-level commands for reading data, creating problems, solving them, and saving results. Included is a function for solving rolling (or multi-stage) unit commitments, solve_multistage().

Getting Data

The module get_data reads in data from spreadsheet files and parse it into Generator, Load, Bus, and Line objects. The module also extracts the time information and create a Timelist object.

Power Systems Components

The module powersystems models for power systems components, including PowerSystem, Bus, Generator, Load, and Line. Each of these objects inherits an optimization framework from OptimizationObject.

Times and Schedules

The schedule module has models for times (Timelist) and schedules (Schedule).


The optimization module has an optimization problem model (Problem) and a template for optimization objects (OptimizationObject).


The bidding module has models for the piece-wise linearization of polynomials and a container for these models (Bid).


The results module has models for power systems problem solutions. These contain the code for visualization and output to spreadsheets.


The test subpackage has both unit tests (of individual constraints) and a directory structure full of example cases (for integration testing).

Adding on

The addons subpackage is the place to create and integrate your own modules.

Project Versions

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Unit Commitment

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Solving Problems

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